 THRESH II (Vexed)
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 THRESH II (Vexed)



J. Scott Stewart - Copyright 2007

Jason Stewart has recently moved into the world of television and movies and shows a startling intuition for poignant, thoughtful writing. This is impressive for someone with no formal training. He is a natural writer. His strong point is character development. Upon reading one of his books or scripts, one feels as though they have gotten to know some very complicated and fascinating people. It makes you wish people were as interesting in real life.
Jason has been writing since he was sixteen but never really gave much thought to releasing his material until much later. He has short stories, novels, op-eds and even pamphlets that have never been released. Regardless of what creative endeavor he follows, the ideas never seem to stop flowing from this consummate genius.
Incidentally, Jason's grandmother received her doctorate's degree in Literature and was the president of the National Poetry Society for years. She was also the editor for an international poetry magazine called, "Encore" that was distributed worldwide and has received critical acclaim.
Jason has no intention of giving up music for writing. As far as he's concerned, "There is absolutely room for both". But he figures he may as well pursue all the avenues of his creativity as long as they're available. I wish him luck in this particular area of his many talents. It would be a travesty of justice if such a brilliant light were ignored.
Susan Walker - Professor of Literature at Northwestern - CA